Big Tech, Big Business and the Lives of Children

Big Tech, Big Business and the Lives of Children

Big Tech, Big Business and the Lives of Children by Susan Linn, Ed.D. The harms of society affording corporations unfettered access to children are well-documented. Targeting kids with advertising and marketing has long been linked to a host of problems including...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to the role of...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to the role of...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to the role of...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to the role of...