
Title: Advertising expenditures on child-targeted food and beverage products in two policy environments in Canada in 2016 and 2019

Author(s): Kent, MP (Kent, Monique Potvin); Pauze, E (Pauze, Elise); Remedios, L (Remedios, Lauren); Wu, D (Wu, David); Guimaraes, JS (Guimaraes, Julia Soares); Pinto, A (Pinto, Adena); Bagnato, M (Bagnato, Mariangela); Pritchard, M (Pritchard, Meghan); L’Abbe, M (L’Abbe, Mary); Mulligan, C (Mulligan, Christine); Vergeer, L (Vergeer, Laura); Weippert, M (Weippert, Madyson)

Source: PLOS ONE  Volume: 18  Issue: 1   Published: JAN 11 2023


Title: Understanding and preventing the advertisement and sale of illicit drugs to young people through social media: A multidisciplinary scoping review

Author(s): Fuller, A (Fuller, Ashly); Vasek, M (Vasek, Marie); Mariconti, E (Mariconti, Enrico); Johnson, SD (Johnson, Shane D.)

Source: DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW   Early Access Date: JUL 2023


Title: The impact of fast food marketing on brand preferences and fast food intake of youth aged 10-17 across six countries

Author(s): Bagnato, M (Bagnato, Mariangela); Roy-Gagnon, MH (Roy-Gagnon, Marie-Helene); Vanderlee, L (Vanderlee, Lana); White, C (White, Christine); Hammond, D (Hammond, David); Kent, MP (Kent, Monique Potvin)

Source: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH  Volume: 23  Issue: 1   Published: JUL 27 2023


Body Image

Title: “Spilling the tea” on generation Z social media use and body image

Author(s): Kiefner-Burmeister, A (Kiefner-Burmeister, Allison); Domoff, S (Domoff, Sarah); Waltz, H (Waltz, Hayley); Jacobs, A (Jacobs, Alli); Ramirez, C (Ramirez, Clarissa); Heilman, CC (Heilman, Claire C.)

Source: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT   Early Access Date: JUL 2023


COVID Impacts

Title: The impact of screen time and green time on mental health in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Camerini, AL (Camerini, Anne -Linda); Albanese, E (Albanese, Emiliano); Marciano, L (Marciano, Laura); Corona Immunitas Res Grp (Corona Immunitas Res Grp)

Source: COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR REPORTS  Volume: 7   Published: AUG 2022


Title: The impact of smartphone and social media use on adolescent sleep quality and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Lee, Y (Lee, Young); Blebea, J (Blebea, Judy); Janssen, F (Janssen, Furhut); Domoff, SE (Domoff, Sarah E. E.)

Source: HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES  Volume: 2023  Published: JUL 7 2023


Early Childhood

Title: Problematic media use in early childhood: The role of parent-child relationships and parental wellbeing in families in New Zealand and the United States

Author(s): Swit, CS (Swit, Cara S.); Coyne, SM (Coyne, Sarah M.); Shawcroft, J (Shawcroft, Jane); Gath, M (Gath, Megan); Barr, R (Barr, Rachel); Holmgren, HG (Holmgren, Hailey G.); Stockdale, L (Stockdale, Laura)

Source: JOURNAL OF CHILDREN AND MEDIA   Early Access Date: JUL 2023   ****


Title: Screen time: Implications for early childhood cognitive development

Author(s): Gastaud, LM (Gastaud, Luiza Morrone); Trettim, JP (Trettim, Jessica Puchalski); Scholl, CC (Scholl, Carolina Coelho); Rubin, BB (Rubin, Barbara Borges); Coelho, FT (Coelho, Fernanda Teixeira); Krause, GB (Krause, Gabriel Blank); Ferreira, NM (Ferreira, Natasha Mayer); de Matos, MB (de Matos, Mariana Bonati); Pinheiro, RT (Pinheiro, Ricardo Tavares); Quevedo, LD (Quevedo, Luciana de Avila)

Source: EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT  Volume: 183   Early Access Date: JUN 2023   Published: AUG 2023


Title: Reducing harm and promoting positive media use strategies: new perspectives in understanding the impact of preschooler media use on health and development

Author(s): Fitzpatrick, C (Fitzpatrick, Caroline); Binet, MA (Binet, Marie-Andree); Cristini, E (Cristini, Emma); Lopes, MA (Lopes, Maira Almeida); Begin, M (Begin, Mathieu); Frizzo, G (Frizzo, Giana)

Source: PSICOLOGIA-REFLEXAO E CRITICA  Volume: 36  Issue: 1   2  Published: AUG 9 2023


Title: Correlates of screen time in the early years (0-5 years): A systematic review

Author(s): Veldman, SLC (Veldman, S. L. C.); Altenburg, TM (Altenburg, T. M.); Chinapaw, MJM (Chinapaw, M. J. M.); Gubbels, JS (Gubbels, J. S.)

Source: PREVENTIVE MEDICINE REPORTS  Volume: 33   102214  Published: JUN 2023


Title: Adherence to screen time and physical activity guidelines is associated with executive function in US toddlers participating in the STRONG Kids 2 birth cohort study

Author(s): McMath, AL (McMath, Arden L.); Iwinski, S (Iwinski, Samantha); Shen, S (Shen, Sa); Bost, KF (Bost, Kelly F.); Donovan, SM (Donovan, Sharon M.); Khan, NA (Khan, Naiman A.)

Source: JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS  Volume: 252  Pages: 22-+   Early Access Date: DEC 2022   Published: JAN 2023


Title: Superhero pretense, superhero identification, and risk-taking in preschool-aged children

Author(s): Morgan, CH (Morgan, Casie H.); Schwebel, DC (Schwebel, David C.)




Title: Subjective eye health status by extent of internet and smartphone use by Korean adolescents

Author(s): Seo, BK (Seo, Bo Kang); Moon, JW (Moon, Jong Won); Lee, DH (Lee, Donghun)

Source: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOCIETY  Volume: 64  Issue: 7  Pages: 613-619   Published: JUL 2023



Title: Protecting children and young people from contemporary marketing for gambling

Author(s): Thomas, S (Thomas, Samantha); van Schalkwyk, MCI (van Schalkwyk, May C., I); Daube, M (Daube, Mike); Pitt, H (Pitt, Hannah); McGee, D (McGee, Darragh); McKee, M (McKee, Martin)

Source: HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL  Volume: 38  Issue: 2   Published: APR 1 2023



Title: ‘It Doesn’t Give Off the Gambling Vibes … It Just Feels Like a Part of the Game’: adolescents’ experiences and perceptions of simulated gambling while growing up

Author(s): Hing, N (Hing, Nerilee); Lole, L (Lole, Lisa); Thorne, H (Thorne, Hannah); Sproston, K (Sproston, Kerry); Hodge, N (Hodge, Nicole); Rockloff, M (Rockloff, Matthew)



Title: Neuroimaging findings in adolescent gaming disorder: a systematic review

Author(s): Khor, E (Khor, E.); McNamara, N (McNamara, N.); Columb, D (Columb, D.); McNicholas, F (McNicholas, F.)



Title: Why we can’t stop: the impact of rewarding elements in videogames on adolescents’ problematic gaming behavior

Author(s): Pirrone, D (Pirrone, Davide); van den Eijnden, RJJM (van den Eijnden, Regina J. J. M.); Peeters, M (Peeters, Margot)

Source: MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY   Early Access Date: AUG 2023


Title: A cross-national comparison of problematic gaming behavior and well-being in adolescents

Author(s): Van Der Neut, D (Van Der Neut, Damian); Peeters, M (Peeters, Margot); Boniel-Nissim, M (Boniel-Nissim, Meyran); Klanscek, HJ (Klanscek, Helena Jericek); Oja, L (Oja, Leila); Van Den Eijnden, R (Van Den Eijnden, Regina)

Source: JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS  Volume: 12  Issue: 2  Pages: 448-457   Published: JUN 2023


Media Literacy

Title: Developing digital resilience: An educational intervention improves elementary students’ response to digital challenges

Author(s): Lee, AY (Lee, Angela Y.); Hancock, JT (Hancock, Jeffrey T.)

Source: COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION OPEN  Volume:  Published: DEC 15 2023


Parental Mediation

Title: Who is best placed to support cyber responsibilized UK parents?

Author(s): Prior, S (Prior, Suzanne); Renaud, K (Renaud, Karen)

Source: CHILDREN-BASEL  Volume: 10  Issue: 7   Published: JUL 2023


Title: What children learn in a digital home: the complex influence of parental mediation and smartphone interference

Author(s): Liu, QX (Liu, Qinxue); Wu, JY (Wu, Jiayin)



Physical Development

Title: Trends in physical health complaints among adolescents from 2014-2019: Considering screen time, social media use, and physical activity

Author(s): Nilsen, SA (Nilsen, Sondre Aasen); Stormark, KM (Stormark, Kjell Morten); Heradstveit, O (Heradstveit, Ove); Breivik, K (Breivik, Kyrre)

Source: SSM-POPULATION HEALTH  Volume: 22  Published: JUN 2023


Screen Use

Title: Passive and social screen time in children with autism and in association with obesity

Author(s): Must, A (Must, Aviva); Eliasziw, M (Eliasziw, Misha); Stanish, H (Stanish, Heidi); Curtin, C (Curtin, Carol); Bandini, LG (Bandini, Linda G. G.); Bowling, A (Bowling, April)

Source: FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS  Volume: 11 Published: JUL 10 2023


Title: The relationship between the use of digital display devices and headphones and primary headaches in children

Author(s): Caksen, H (Caksen, Hueseyin); Ozcelik, NS (Ozcelik, Nadire S.); Guven, AS (Guven, Ahmet S.); Kilic, AO (Kilic, Ahmet O.)

Source: BOLETIN MEDICO DEL HOSPITAL INFANTIL DE MEXICO  Volume: 80  Issue: 3  Pages: 202-210   Published: MAY-JUN 2023


Title: Associations between physical activity, screen time, sleep time and selected academic skills in 8/9-year-old children

Author(s): Korcz, A (Korcz, Agata); Krzysztoszek, J (Krzysztoszek, Jana); Bronikowski, M (Bronikowski, Michal); Lopatka, M (Lopatka, Marlena); Bojkowski, L (Bojkowski, Lukasz)

Source: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH  Volume: 23  Issue: 1   Published: JUL 12 2023


Title: Putting forward a new narrative for adolescent Media: The American Academy of Pediatrics Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health

Author(s): Moreno, MA (Moreno, Megan A.); Radesky, J (Radesky, Jenny).

Source: JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH  Volume: 73  Issue: 2   Published: AUG 2023


Social Media

Title: Tick-tock: now is the time for regulating social media for child protection

Author(s): Fung, ACH (Fung, Adrian Chi Heng); Wong, KKY (Wong, Kenneth Kak Yuen)

Source: BMJ PAEDIATRICS OPEN  Volume: 7  Issue: 1   Published: JUL 2023


Title: Online “sharenting”: the dangers of posting sensitive information about children on social media

Author(s): Ferrara, P (Ferrara, Pietro); Cammisa, I (Cammisa, Ignazio); Corsello, G (Corsello, Giovanni); Giardino, I (Giardino, Ida); Vural, M (Vural, Mehmet); Pop, TL (Pop, Tudor Lucian); Pettoello-Mantovani, C (Pettoello-Mantovani, Clara); Indrio, F (Indrio, Flavia); Pettoello-Mantovani, M (Pettoello-Mantovani, Massimo)

Source: JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS  Volume: 257   Published: JUN 2023


Title: Heavy social media use and posting regret are associated with lower self-esteem among middle and high school students

Author(s): Sampasa-Kanyinga, H (Sampasa-Kanyinga, Hugues); Hamilton, HA (Hamilton, Hayley A.); Mougharbel, F (Mougharbel, Fatima); Chaput, JP (Chaput, Jean-Philippe)




Title: Prospective association between video and computer game use during adolescence and incidence of metabolic health risks: secondary data analysis

Author(s): Lebby, SR (Lebby, Stephanie R.); Shyam, S (Shyam, Sangeetha); Ramadas, A (Ramadas, Amutha); Bohm, AR (Bohm, Andrew R.); Hill, JC (Hill, Julia C.); Fortuna, KL (Fortuna, Karen L.); Zoltick, SR (Zoltick, Stephanie R.)

Source: JMIR PEDIATRICS AND PARENTING  Volume: 6   Published: 2023


Title: Is playing violent video games a risk factor for aggressive behaviour? Adding narcissism, self-esteem and PEGI ratings to the debate

Author(s): Olejarnik, SZ (Olejarnik, Szymon Zbigniew); Romano, D (Romano, Daniela)

Source: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY  Volume: 14   Published: JUL 5 2023


Title: Affective empathy mediates the positive effect of prosocial video games on young children’s sharing behavior

Author(s): Li, Y (Li, Yan); Deng, T (Deng, Tao); Kanske, P (Kanske, Philipp)

Source: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT  Volume: 67   Early Access Date: JUN 2023   Published: JUL-SEP 2023



Title: Moderating effect of gender and socioeconomic status on the relationship between media exposure and violent behaviour

Author(s): Hossova, MP (Hossova, Monika Prostinakova); Furtakova, L (Furtakova, Lucia); Botosova, L (Botosova, Lubica); Skripcova, L (Skripcova, Lucia); Graca, M (Graca, Martin); Brnik, A (Brnik, Andrej); Kacinova, V (Kacinova, Viera); Skvareninova, O (Skvareninova, Olga); Pravdova, H (Pravdova, Hana); Widera, Z (Widera, Zbigniew)

Source: MEDIA LITERACY AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH  Volume: 6  Issue: 1   Published: JUN 2023