Safety by design: an idea whose time has come in Australia?
CMA’s President, Prof. of Law, Elizabeth Handsley, puts forward, 'Safety by design: an idea whose time has come in Australia?' Imagine a world where you could let children go online with as much confidence as you can give them a glass of water out of the tap. Nobody...
Redefining the media classification system: Parents, we need your say, in order to sway
Dr Fae Heaselgrave, Lecturer and researcher in communication and media, University of South Australia. Redefining the media classification system: Parents, we need your say, in order to sway Welcome to the first edition of small screen for 2024. The long summer school...
How did this happen?
A parent has sent us her concerns about a trailer seen recently by her children. We’re sharing it as this month’s Talking Point. How did this happen? During our Sunday morning children’s cartoons viewing on 9Go on October 22, I saw the following commercial for the...
2023: A year of waiting for government
Barbara Biggins OAM CF, is CMA’s Honorary CEO. 2023: A year of waiting for government Big Tech has continued to exploit our children this year with little effective action from the government. We have had to wait too long to stop this exploitation. Big Tech has been...
Online gambling and its impacts – It’s time for the public interest to be put first!
In response to the inquiry into online gambling and its impacts, CMA’s Hon. CEO, Barbara Biggins OAM CF, puts forward the need for urgent action. We seem to have been waiting a long time for government action on the promotion of gambling. The public and CMA have been...
The Government’s response to the Privacy Act Review brings good news for children, and a lot of work for children’s advocates!
Rys Farthing is the Director of Research & Policy at Reset Australia. She works on realising children and young people’s rights in the digital world through policy and regulation, and helps to coordinate the civil society campaign for a children’s privacy code....