FREE Subscription to Small Screen

Published by Children and Media Australiasmall screen is the news review to read:

  • to keep up with the latest developments and trends related to children’s screen environment- proposed legislation changes, publications, and research.
  • to read a range of editorial opinion on issues affecting children’s rights as consumers of screen media.
  • to catch up with CMA’s latest child-development-based movie reviews, which promote healthy and enjoyable choices.

small screen is edited by Barbara Biggins OAM, and has been published continuously since 1986.



  • in-depth articles and researched commentary on current media issues;
  • a detailed list of the latest publications and research on children and media;
  • a calendar of forthcoming conferences, events, award ceremonies and film festivals.


How to Subscribe

To subscribe to small screen, complete the form on the right.

Subscriptions are free for individuals and organisations.

Libraries $77 a year (incl. GST). Please consult your Subscription agent.


Online Small Screen

A NEW LOOK: since September 2022, small screen has undergone significant change.

  • For many years it was a print publication distributed by email.
  • It’s now an online publication, with a new look and content, and it’s free.
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