by Debra | Feb 6, 2024 | EDITORIALS
Dr Fae Heaselgrave, Lecturer and researcher in communication and media, University of South Australia. Redefining the media classification system: Parents, we need your say, in order to sway Welcome to the first edition of small screen for 2024. The long summer school...
by Debra | Dec 11, 2023 | EDITORIALS
Barbara Biggins OAM CF, is CMA’s Honorary CEO. 2023: A year of waiting for government Big Tech has continued to exploit our children this year with little effective action from the government. We have had to wait too long to stop this exploitation. Big Tech has been...
by Debra | Oct 31, 2023 | EDITORIALS
Rys Farthing is the Director of Research & Policy at Reset Australia. She works on realising children and young people’s rights in the digital world through policy and regulation, and helps to coordinate the civil society campaign for a children’s privacy code....
by Debra | Oct 3, 2023 | EDITORIALS
Joanne Cantor, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Children and Scary Media – Bad News Seems to Be Getting Worse When I started graduate school (in 1970), I began doing research on the effects of the media....
by Debra | Aug 30, 2023 | EDITORIALS
John B Saunders National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research at the University of Queensland, and Wesley Hospital, Kogarah and Waratah Private Hospital, Hurstville, New South Wales. Gaming Disorder – We need to talk Parliament House, Canberra is the location for...
by Debra | Aug 6, 2023 | EDITORIALS
Mary Brushe is an early career researcher at Telethon Kids Institute focused on supporting early childhood health and development. She is in the final year of her PhD in Public Health at the University of Adelaide and is the Vice President of the Public Health...