Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to...

Exposure to violent media and its effects on children

Exposure to violent media and its effects on children

EDITORIAL Assoc. Prof. WAYNE WARBURTON  Developmental Psychology, Macquarie U.  CMA VICE PRESIDENT  I keep seeing reports in the media that new findings show that violent media have no negative impacts on children, and that it is time to let that idea go. But is that...

Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurt

editorial Massacres, media coverage and mending the hurtBARBARA BIGGINS OAMCMA HON CEOIn the wake of yet another mass shooting in the US, the questions about why and what must be done to stop them always arise.Many psychologists and psychiatrists point to...