UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giant

UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet-...

UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giant

UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet-...

UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giant

UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet-...