by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | ADVERTISING, CLASSIFICATION
The latest film in the Spider-Man series is due for world-wide release on December 16/17. As we’ve come to expect, the film hasn’t yet been classified in Australia nor rated in the US or UK. But the publicity has been out for months, with anticipation mounting. As...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | ADVERTISING, CLASSIFICATION
UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet- flavoured...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | ADVERTISING, CLASSIFICATION
UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet- flavoured...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | ADVERTISING, CLASSIFICATION
UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet- flavoured...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | ADVERTISING, CLASSIFICATION
UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet- flavoured...
by admin | Sep 27, 2022 | ADVERTISING
UK: Advertising rules flouted by Chinese vaping giantThe Guardian reports “A leading e-cigarette brand is flouting rulesto promote its products to young people in Britain, an Observer investigation has found, as experts warn that brightly coloured, sweet- flavoured...